Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ultrasound Pics

Friday was our doctor's appointment and it was ultrasound day. My doctor just got a new ultrasound machine with 3D on it so he played around and we got to see the baby's face in 3D. I can already tell it's precious! The picture did not turn out too good because I am so far along, but we did get a better view at the office. If you can't make it out.. the baby is facing you with it's head on the left hand side leaning against the placenta which is on the right hand side. We can't wait to see it in person!


Kjan said...

That is a cool ultrasound. What a cute little baby's face! What is the top picture of?

The Fruge's said...

The top ultrasound is the 3D ultrasound. It's the one that I was explaining.
