Friday, August 7, 2009

Dress up Time!

Kylee's growing so fast it's hard for me to know which clothes fit her and which ones don't, so today I tried on a few bigger size outfits and you know after that I had to play dress up!! I can already tell I'm going to have a hard time buying clothes for her because her newborn and 0-3 month dresses are getting too short but the 3 month dress (the one in the pictures) fits in length and is too big in the arms! I managed to mix and match to find a solution for this one. I thought she looked so cute I had to capture it! She is such a happy baby and we are so blessed to have her!

Okay, I'm not the best at taking these pics!

She's still trying to get the hang of the jungle gym thing


Kjan said...

Cute pictures :)! She looks adorable sitting up. The baptism pictures are beautiful. Where was that photographer when mine were little? lol Hope to see you soon. Kristen comes down next week. We will probably take a ride out to your house if that's OK?

Lori (Sometimes Joey when he is feeling sassy) said...

I love the pictures. It seems like she has grown a lot!!!!!!! Babies are famous for

I hope you are enjoying your work and let me know if you ever need anything. Hope to see ya'll soon..Lori

The VIDRINE'S said...

Love the pics. She is beautiful and is growing. Mine too :) Love ya I hope to see you all soon.
