Friday, August 28, 2009

They grow so fast!

Our next door neighbors just had their little girl one week ago today. We went last Sunday to see her and it made me realize how fast Kylee has grown! She is getting a big pot belly and some fat legs. I never would've pictured it with how small she was when she was born! She knows her mommy and daddy more and more every day. She talks to us all the time, nonstop! I have a video of her talking from the other night but for some reason it won't let me upload it! It is sooo precious though!! Here's a picture from bath time with her little curl in her hair and a picture of her with her eyes glued to the TV.

She absolutely LOVES her baths! Look at that belly!!!!

Happy as can be watching TV


Kjan said...

Look at that belly! :) She is getting so big. miss ya. Angie

Lori (Sometimes Joey when he is feeling sassy) said...

I love it! She is so darn cute! Can't wait to hold her again. Love, Lori
