Friday, November 13, 2009

Family Dinner Night

Last night we decided to have dinner out since Kyle didn't get in until a little later than usual. It was so nice, the first time we've eaten out in while! What a joy it is to be able to spend time together as a family. Oh, and I included a picture of Buddy that I took today. I thought it was pretty funny!

It was the best we could do. We actually had Buddy sitting on the counter top to keep Kylee's attention!! Kyle was a little too tall. Oh well!!

Kylee at the restaurant enjoying her night out.

I guess he was cold? This was the only spot in the house with sunlight this morning.

1 comments: said...

Too cute!! I think they need a certain amount of sunlight. I know when Cammy is not feeling well she will find sunlight to sit in and bake:)
