Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Day of Daycare

Yesterday was Kylee's first day at daycare. It was such a heartbreaking day...at least for me!! She woke up happy as can be, screamed and cried when I dropped her off, and was reluctant to come to me when I picked her up! Go figure, she was adjusted within one day. Today she didn't even cry when I dropped her off. That broke my hear too! LOL. I want her to be happy but I also want her to want her Mommy! :) So far we are very satisfied with the daycare and I think Kylee is too. I hope it continues to go well and I am so glad Kylee has a safe place to stay.

All dressed and ready to head out


Missy said...

I understand your pain April. Been there. It'll get better. Sha baby, love the headband. She is always smiling and soo cute.

The VIDRINE'S said...

I feel your pain too. Still there for me. I know she will enjoy. Love yall
