Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thank Goodness for Gammy!

Kyle's mom took off of work this week to help us out after our babysitting crisis and watch Kylee until we could figure things out. Yesterday we ended the week with boiled crawfish..YUM! We are SO thankful for this Gammy! It was a great week and I know Kylee enjoyed her time with you. Kylee will now be in a small daycare just down the road from our house. I think she'll really enjoy it there. :(

Kylee and Gammy spending time on the back porch

Kylee playing with Kyle's dump truck from when he was a kid

My beautiful girl enjoying some crackers at the restaurant

Kyle and his Mother like Son!!



Falen said...

Wow that's great that ya'll got to get some quality time in! But what happened with the Babysitter??
