Friday, March 12, 2010

Kylee's Frist Zoo Trip

Yesterday our playgroup made a trip to the BR Zoo and Kyle decided to come along. It was Kylee's first time in the zoo and about half way through she started to realize that there were animals on the other side of the fence. It was such a beautiful, sunny day and a very successful first zoo trip!

Waiting to get started

Kylee and Mommy in front of the elephant exhibit

Chillin with her cute little sunhat

Checking out the monkies

Lunch break in the shade

She really got into the girraffe

Her favorite...the donkey!!! She would not let go of the fence when it was time to leave

At the end of the trip


Kjan said...

It's nice to go to the zoo before it gets too hot. The animals seem to move around a little more in nice weather. I like the BR zoo it's not to big and has nice shady spots to hang out.
Did Kylee pet anything there?

The VIDRINE'S said...

We can't wait to spend some time with you guys this summer. I am going to get a membership to the zoo. It is $74 for my family and 4 guests for the year. She gets more beautiful everyday.

The Fruge's said...

Angie, Kylee didn't pet anything. By the time we got to the petting zoo she was so tired and those animals stunk so bad I didn't feel like messing with it! LOL. It was actually pretty hot outside and she was already sweating some so I didn't want that smell to stick! HaHa.
