Monday, September 28, 2009

Big Girl Chair

Kylee is eating more and more cereal and she is starting to get messy with it. She always wants her hands in her mouth and she ends up getting it everywhere. Today I was getting aggrivated with her getting it all over her vibrating chair, which I normally feed her in, so I decided to try out the high chair. I can at least clean that up easier. She did pretty good. She started to fall to the side once but I straightened her back up and we kept on going!

I love my food!

Messy girl!


Courtney said...

Aww she looks so little in the first picture in her big girl highchair. How cute! I hope to see you soon....I need to hold that baby girl! I really hope once all this moving calms down me and Ava can make a day trip during the week to visit. said...

Wow she is growing so fast. Hope everything is okay over there, can't wait to see you.

Kjan said...

I couldn't believe my eyes. She is seating in a highchair already. Time is flying. I haven't seen her in at least 2 months. Use some big blankets to help her sit up. It might help a little. Give her a big kiss and show her a picture of us. Tell her Aunt Angie loves her. I don't know when I'll get to see her. We are so busy during the week. Miss ya. Love Angie

Missy said...

So sweet. She is growing fast April.
Hope to see you soon.
