Friday, September 4, 2009

MmmmMmmm Good!

Kylee's been rather fussy lately so I thought maybe it's time to start her on rice cereal. I was trying to wait until she was 4 months, but I figured what the heck, let's try!! So I mixed some in a bowl and went to town with a spoon. She did suprisingly well. She fussed at first, until she realized I was giving her food. It took a little while for her to get used to not being able to suck and constantly get food, but once she got the hang of it she was laughing and talking all the while gobbling down her cereal. Here's one more thing to remind me how fast she's growing! I just need everyone's prayers that the cereal doesn't mess up her stomach and I get some sleep tonight!

She was very focused on the camera!

Mmm! Big bite!

The leftovers

The result...must have been good!!


The VIDRINE'S said...

Congrats Kylee.
We miss Ya'll she is getting so big

Courtney said...

Wow I can't believe that she is 3 months already! Shane and I were looking at your new pics and both agree she's looking more and more like you. She's adorable...can't wait to see yall again!

Falen said...

hey I'm so glad i got to see her too! I was going to go see ya'll one day, but I talked to Maw Maw and ya'll were in Austin that weekend
:( Anyway I am tring to get a day off to go see ya'll during the week so I can get to visit with you too! love ya
