Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dress Up Time

I had to pull out Kylee's next sized clothes yet again today. Kylee is so long for her age so I am having to pull out the 6/9 month clothes and she's barely 4 months! As a matter of fact we were eating at Texas Road House last night and there was a couple with an 8 month old and Kylee was just shorter than her. Anyway, while I was digging I found a couple of adorable dresses that I just had to try on her. She looked so cute in them! Thank you so much for all the wonderful clothes Aunt Robin!!

Cute as can be!

Here's a fraction of the mess from trying to organize...I'll have to finish tomorrow, I'm tired today!


Kjan said...

She kinda of looks like you. Remember your picture with a hat? You have a real doll to dress up. :)

The Fruge's said...

You're right, she does! I'll have to pull that picture out...I know exactly which one you're talking about.

holly.huval@gmail.com said...

I think she looks just like you!! She is so precious:)
