Thursday, July 23, 2009

I was just telling Kyle the other night that I have no clue why he was so worried about being a good Dad...he is an AWESOME Dad!! I am really blessed to have him as a husband and a father to our beautiful daughter. He is always willing to help me out, even after a long day of work and I cannot express how much I appreciate it! Here's some mementos of their time together.

Kylee passed out on Kyle after quite a bit of fussing

Here's a video of Kyle playing games with Kylee. She loves her Daddy and is already starting to mimic him!


Mommy N said...

does he know you posted that video... that's cute!

The Fruge's said...

Yeah, he knows I posted it. Isn't it cute?!

Courtney said...

This is so sweet! Kyle might have been nervous about becoming a dad but I knew he would be great! Look forward to seeing you guys...we'll be driving in this afternoon and staying at your moms.

Missy said...

Soooo sweeet! Can't wait to see ya'll this weekend.
