Friday, January 8, 2010

The Attitude Comes Out

For everyone who thinks Kylee is so sweet all the time here's a news flash! SHE HAS AN ATTITUDE!!! LOL. But of course, she's still my angel!! For some reason in the last 2 days she goes from playing quietly to screaming at the top of her lungs like someone is hurting her. It is very disturbing! Last night she did this while Kyle and I were taking down Christmas decorations and then again this morning she did it after she woke up from a nap. It's like she doesn't even give us a chance to let her cry a little before she gets mad...she just goes straight to being mad!!! I figured she would get this trait from her Daddy :) HaHa.

Screaming as though she's been abandoned

This is what I walked into after her nap this morning. It was very loud!


The VIDRINE'S said...

Well just wait there is more to come!

Kjan said...

I agree with Robin you ain't seen nothing yet. Enjoy her and remember these are the days! I know she is a sweet child. Everybody is entitled to their moments! lol
I can see all that attitude is inherited from Kyle! ;}

Missy said...

Well you shouldn't leave her in the bed so long maybe she wouldn't get so mad.... lol lol lol
She is too sweet to behave like that. lol
I don't believe it. Kyle is not like that at all, I don't know where else she would get that from???? :_)
