Thursday, January 14, 2010

Museum Play and Chik Fil A

Kylee and I had a full morning today. We went to the Lafayette Museum of Science and Natural History to play in their Toddler's Cove area and then followed our playgroup to Chik Fil A for some lunch. Kylee didn't quite know what to think when I set her down to play with all the kids at the museum, but she gradually warmed up to it and made herself comfortable. She had a blast sitting at Chik Fil A and eating french fries and crackers with her buddy Brennan!

When we first arrived. She had to soak it all in first.

Kylee and Brennan sharing toys.

Playing with the blocks.

Kylee and Brennan eating lunch together.


Courtney said...

Looks like the group is keeping you guys busy and yall are having a great time! It's so fun watching them interact with kids their age.
