Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Indoor Entertainment

For the past 2 weeks Kylee and I have been stuck indoors due to sickness. We're starting to go a little stir crazy in here! The only place we've gone was to the doctor yesterday. I called the office and the nurse was sure Kylee had RSV. Good news, it's only bronchiolitis....BAD ENOUGH! I was very relieved that we got to come home and not make a trip to the hospital. I was so worried she had pneumonia. Anyways, we're now on breathing treatments 3 times a day...yes Holly I've entered your world. She's also on 2 other meds to try and get rid of this mess. She's been a real trooper through it all and has continued to play happily for the most part. She is really getting around now...there's no stopping her! Earlier I found her looking out the back door and a few minutes later playing with Buddy's bowls in the kitchen! Here we go!! LOL. Hopefully we're up and running by next week and we can visit all of our friends again!

This is where I found Kylee when she was supposed to be playing in her room

The mess she left behind

Kyle wanted to show me how she pulls herself to the standing position. She does really good!

Playing in her car. I thought it was cute that she matched!

Looking out the back door.


Kjan said...

Looks like Kylee is keeping you on your toes. I'm hope she is well soon. It's not so fun feeling bad.

The VIDRINE'S said...

That is what Luke had last year. I feel your pain. She looks like she doesn't mind it so much. Glad to hear she will be doing better.
