Monday, January 18, 2010

Storytime and A Picnic in the Park

Today Kylee and I had a full day of fun with friends! This morning we headed to Barnes and Noble for a few short stories and from there we headed to a local park and had a picnic with everyone. It was Kylee's first trip to the park and I was excited to see how she would like it. She absolutely loved the swings and being outside! I can't wait until we can make a trip to the park with Daddy!

Kylee and Aubrey playing with the train set before storytime

Climbing on the stage at storytime

Climbing the steps...or maybe just hanging on to the steps!


Kylee and Brennan enjoying a little swing time

Kylee having a blast on the swing

2 comments: said...

So cute!!! She is getting so big. I'm so glad you found a wonderful moms group to do things with. Looks like you guys have a lot of fun.

Kjan said...

Adorable! She loves the swing. It was a beautiful day to be at the park. So much fun for the both of you to have friends to do things with!
