Thursday, January 7, 2010

Behind Bars

Kylee now stays behind bars to play. She did it to herslef!! LOL. If I leave her in the living room to play with her toys she darts right for everything else that I don't want her to play with. She's not one bit interested in her toys. So yesterday Kyle bought this gate that we put in the doorway of her room and she played for probably a good hour in there this morning. She loves her room! Thank goodness. This way I can get things done around here!

Stopping to smile for the camera.

Kyle also brought these home for me yesterday since I've been stuck behind bars in this house! LOL. I needed something to make me feel alive and these are just the favorite flower, tulips!!!


Kjan said...

Kyle knows the secret! lol
Poor little Kylee in jail. Just picking. She looks like she having a ball in her room with her toys.

Missy said...

Good idea to put up the bars. You can still see and hear her but she can't get out. Lucky she doesn't cry in there.
Love the flowers. Go Kyle!
